LEGO Inspired Birthday Party & Corporate Themed Events in Boise, ID

Plan Your Brick Day Party

Lego® Themed

Boise’s Best Brick-Day Parties 


Birthday Party!

$180 for UP TO 10 guests

$15 per additional guest after the 10th participant

$20 per additional guest after the 15th participant

$30 per additional guest after the 20th participant

Absolute guest cap: 25 participants

$50 deposit required 


  • Two (2) build your own minifigs for each guest
  • One (1) small building kit for each guest
  • 1 1/2 hour party fully hosted by Bricks & Minifigs staff
  • Variety of age appropriate LEGO® activities guided by your personal party host/hostess
  • Bring your own food and drink (no open cups or cans)
  • Plates, napkins, & utensils provided
  • Postcard style Bricks and Minifigs invitations available
  • Special Bricks and Minifigs gift for the birthday honoree

Booking requires a $50 (plus tax) non-refundable deposit. Please book your party at least 2 weeks in advance. Accommodations for parties with shorter notice can sometimes be made. If your desired date is less than 2 weeks away, please call us at (208) 377-4386 for inquiries.

Celebrate with Us


Schedule a one-of-a-kind celebration! We offer hosted parties 6 days a week. The LEGO® fan in your life will love, no matter their age. Brick-Day Parties can cover any sort of LEGO® inspired birthday or corporate themed event you could possibly want: birthdays, Christmas parties, Halloween parties, graduations, celebrating good grades or an achieved goal . . . you name it, we will throw you a party for it!

Plan Your LEGO® Inspired Birthday, Corporate Themed, & Off-Site Events

Please Contact the store for details on these events


  • Begins w/ 30 minutes of LEGO®-themed team-building exercises
  • Followed by a 15 minute Minifigure building activity (custom printed minifigs with your company Logo may be available if coordinated ahead of time)
  • Ends w/ 15 minutes of additional activities/training or time for discussion and recap
  • Activities for team buildings are adaptable according to size, location, and culture of the company that will be participating. For details on customizing your event, please contact us: (208) 377-4386,, or message us through Facebook.
  • Participating adults must be young at heart 🙂

Enhance Your Department’s Effectiveness and Creativity

Corporate Team-Building Events

Schedule what will be your organization’s most memorable teamwork activity! We offer hosted team-building exercises Monday-Friday. What could be better than a LEGO® themed creativity unlocking exercises for your department? Your coworkers will love it!



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