Birthday Parties & Events
Bricktastic Party
$695 (Party for 15 Kids, $15 for each additional child)
- 90 minutes
- 2+ hosts
- Team games (age specific)
- Derby, free build, or custom request
- Includes two pizza pies and beverages
- Take-home LEGO car builds
- All paper goods included
VIP Bricktacular Party
$895 (Party for 15 Kids, $15 for each additional child)
- Everything included in Bricktastic Party
- 30 minutes more (a $75 value)
- Goodie bags (a $8 per person value)
- Coupon for free Build-a-Fig in-store (a $5 per person value)
- All kids keep LEGO builds
- Customized decorations and baloons based on theme
- All paper goods and candles
***We will call to confirm the specifics
***Additional kids will require a full party upgrade
***No reasonable request refused
***Upgrades can be personalized by request
Celebrate with Us
Schedule your BIRTHDAY PARTy today!
Schedule the most amazing birthday party at our store! We offer hosted parties every week. What could be better than a LEGO® themed party for your LEGO fan? Your children and their friends would love it!
Please call 631-320-2717 for details
Schedule other
Book your next event at Bricks & Minifigs!
Do you need an outing for your camp or need to schedule an activity on a rain day? We are your solution! We have availability for up to 80 people for a rainy day or a scheduled outing. Book your day and we will call you to set up the details.
Hurry! Spaces are limited!
Other events include:
- Team building and corporate events
- Scout badges and parties
- LEGO specialty groups
- PTA and SEPTA events
- School fundraisers
- Open play
- Specialty classes (photography, stop-motion, video-making)
- Special population groups
- Bar nights
- LUGs
- Let us supply your innovative classes with the materials you need
- 631-320-2717
- 709 Montauk Highway, West Babylon, NY